

Why You Should Add LinkedIn Product Pages to Your B2B Marketing Mix

Social Media

Why You Should Add LinkedIn Product Pages to Your B2B Marketing Mix

Two Rivers Marketing

Two Rivers Marketing
Feb 10, 2021

LinkedIn Product Pages Graphic

As the world’s largest professional network and most trusted social media platform, LinkedIn has been making some major updates for B2B consumers. The goal is to make it easier for marketers to get the information they need to help influence or make decisions for their company. A prime example is the new Product Page feature LinkedIn announced in December 2020.

What are LinkedIn Product Pages?

LinkedIn Product Pages will be rolling out to company pages throughout 2021. They can be accessed via the Product tab, which will be in the same area as the Jobs, Life, and About tabs on a company page. The Product tab will have an organized list of Product Pages that people can click into to get more information about the tangible products (not services) your company sells.

Product Pages on LinkedIn are an in-platform hub for companies to share product information and drive leads. Businesses will have the opportunity to house a variety of content on these pages, including product descriptions, product endorsements, videos, customer testimonials, and ratings and reviews. Additionally, these pages can be used to drive leads with a custom call-to-action button, making it possible to download content offers, solicit product demonstrations or quotes, or request a consultation.

Why LinkedIn Product Pages are important

Research on B2B buyers shows that:

B2B Buyers on LinkedIn Graphic

Product Pages give your company the ability to provide information in the format your buyers are looking for — on the platform they’re using to conduct research as part of the decision-making process. With the move toward spending more time in the “anonymous phase” of the buyer’s journey, this feature to house information and drive leads is a game-changer.

Adopting LinkedIn Product Pages

Because Product Pages can be such a valuable tool for B2B buyers, this a great opportunity for your marketing and sales teams to collaborate on the content and offers being presented.

Product Pages have started rolling out across the B2B software industry and will continue to roll out to other industries throughout the year. Once they are available for your business, LinkedIn will help populate your Product tab and Product Pages by curating information from your LinkedIn page and company website. This will make it easier for your team to optimize the page with product descriptions and use cases, customer features, and rich media such as videos.

In addition to the new Product Pages feature, LinkedIn also confirmed that a Services Marketplace is on the horizon, which is great news for those B2B companies that don’t sell tangible products.

At 2RM we’re all excited about the new features LinkedIn is rolling out and the value they hold for B2B companies. If you’re ready to connect with an experienced partner to help support your LinkedIn channel strategy: 

Two Rivers Marketing

Two Rivers Marketing is a fully-integrated business-to-business (B2B) marketing communications agency. Contact us with your thoughts or questions.